About Us

how we started

Who We Are

We are a team of experienced international personal development and leadership trainers with a background in the services sector going back over 15 years. Our trainers have been trained and accredited in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and by three of the greatest leadership thinkers alive today: John Maxwell (USA), Marshall Goldsmith (USA) and John Adair (UK).

Having personally seen and experienced the benefits of personal and career coaching, we now help professionals, business owners and everyone in between take control of their situation and thrive in a life they truly love.

The majority of our clients have established careers and are at a defining moment where they feel ready to take that next step, create deeper fulfilment,
and go after their definition of success. For some, that involves changing paths or progressing in their career. For others, it’s about being more effective
and present in what they already do or creating a more balanced and purposeful lifestyle.

Our founder Asif Choudhury has also been certified by The Relationship Coaching Academy, part of the Coaching Institute, allowing us to offer leading
marriage coaching and counselling.

Our Core Values

At Inspire Academy, our team is comprised of leaders, visionaries, successful entrepreneurs and industry experts who continue to practice their trade, while providing consultancy and management services.

In the office or in the field, we approach everything we do with these values at our core:


Respect for the work we do and the people who do it, recognised for being honest and following through on commitments.

We, Not I

Belief in the power of teamwork and a deeply ingrained philosophy of collectivism and unified 'oneness' towards all our endeavors.


Fully committed and a reputation as someone people can count on to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

About Founder

I am an experienced international personal development and leadership trainer with a background in legal services going back almost 20 years. Having seen and experienced the benefits of personal and career coaching in my own life, I now help professionals and business owners to take control of their situation and thrive in a life they truly love.

The majority of my clients have established careers and are at a defining moment where they feel ready to take that next step, create deeper fulfilment, and go after their definition of success. For some, that involves changing paths or progressing in their career. For others, it’s about being more effective and present in what they already do or creating a more balanced and purposeful lifestyle.


For my personal development coaching, I am accredited as an NLP Master Practitioner. With regards to my comprehensive leadership training, I am proud to be certified by 3 of the greatest leadership thinkers alive today: John Maxwell (USA), Marshall Goldsmith (USA) and John Adair (UK). I am also a qualified lawyer and mediator in the UK and have also been certified by The Relationship Coaching Academy, part of the Coaching Institute, allowing me to offer leading marriage coaching and counselling. Click here to see how I can help you.

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session with us

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